Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The Jakes - Cough Syrup

too cute

Monday, March 30, 2009

white denim @ radio room sxsw

White Denim

White Denim

White Denim

White Denim

White Denim was one of the bands I was most adamant to see at SXSW, in part because they're from Austin but mainly because they have so much energy. I had a hard time not tackling them when I saw them at another show the next night to tell them how much fun their show was.

Saturday, March 28, 2009


Etsy finds I can hardly resist...

Open Weave dress from Kelgwo

Radiolaria necklace from nervoussystem

This may mainly be a beardy-bespectacled-man crush...

Mens striped vintage collegiate sweater from Edward Vintage

Photograph by Michel Husley from Vintage Parlor

Amazing skullbeard print from Mark Weaver

in summary

emoticon short films via made you look

Friday, March 27, 2009

devil makes work for idle hands


bored Friday night with the lipstick I wore today that matches my tee

the hippies are back by Times New Viking at Art in the Age

Wesley Burt

So emotive. You have to check out his paintings too.

crystal stilts @ ms bea's

Crystal Stilts

Crystal Stilts

Crystal Stilts

I think these girls are in looooove

teen idol

Thursday, March 26, 2009

friday @ sxsw

Human Highway - "The Sound" from Secret City Records on Vimeo.

Afternoons - Saturday Morning (after the funeral) from Afternoons on Vimeo.

BEACH HOUSE - USED TO BE from matt amato on Vimeo.

White Denim - (behind) closed doors, Paradisolift, 14-11-2008 from VPRO 3VOOR12 on Vimeo.

biiiiig crush on mr white denim there

They were my favourite show of the day for sure, I was REALLY anxious to catch them.

Deastro was NUTSO and did an amazing cover of I Will Die For You with two ladies that were pulled out of the audience. They had amazing coloured wigs on.

I "saw" Beach House and Pete and the Pirates from outside the actual venue as I found myself a killer vantage point and didn't see why I should pay $25 to get in. I'm only a little regretful I didn't because by the time the shows really got going it was crazy packed and got insane from outside. It would have been nice to catch Grizzly Bear and Peter, Bjorn & John...

Golden Filter @ Peacock

Golden Filter

Golden Filter

Golden Filter

Golden Filter

This is a sexy lady right here. I keep on trying to pick my favourite shows of the weekend and this was definitely one of the coolest - the Gorilla vs Booze party that I walked about 40 mins out to in east Austin. I'm not kidding when I say the place was filled with probably the hottest bunch of people I've ever hung out with. Sweaty sexy people listening to some hot dance music in a teeny room in crazy Texan heat.

Just how every hipster party looks in my head.

As with most of the shows, I was elbowing my way to the front. I ended up behind the DJ booth and the DJ gave me a weird look when he came back. I'm pushy and big. Let's be friends.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Thursday @ sxsw

Crystal Stilts "Prismatic Room" from Slumberland Records on Vimeo.

Solid Gold - The Golden Filter from golden filter on Vimeo.

The Pains of Being Pure At Heart "Everything With You" from Slumberland Records on Vimeo.

Matt & Kim, "Daylight" from Benjamin Technology on Vimeo.

This was my kick off. And a very good one indeed. I saw a couple more bands that I couldn't find good videos for.

Dept of Eagles - No One Does it Like You

daniel rossen

matt & kim

matt & kim

matt & kim

matt & kim

matt & kim

matt & kim

So, this is the first of what will be a LOT of photos from my trip to Austin for SXSW. We had an AMAZING time and across the board can't get over how many happy, excited faces we saw.

We saw Matt & Kim on the first night and their show was so amazing that we agreed if this was the best show we saw all weekend we'd be happy. Their collective energy was amazing and given this was their only performance the whole weekend we are so glad we caught it.

Monday, March 16, 2009

this cool

Alison Mosshart is my role model for cool. Very excited about the new project with Jack White - The Dead Weather.

In my head we can be best friends

I am totally nocturnal. That comes from waiting for your parents to go to bed, then doing what you want. I’m secretive — I still behave like that.

(From her interview with the Times.)
(image from ny times)

Sunday, March 15, 2009

spring in sight

maybe it's maybelline

Kate may be a great beauty, but the red lips!!

I'm going on a lipstick binge this week.

photo via Le Fashion

better than eHarmony

Nerd Boyfriend. A how-to guide to geek.

Men never looked better

Thursday, March 12, 2009

baby face


Tuesday, March 10, 2009

little bit


trying some self portraits

not a fan yet

Monday, March 9, 2009



that red


logo envy

it's hard to come up with something inspiring for smeredith boner...

created by Another Company

Sunday, March 8, 2009

sunday sunday

not his

that paw

(1. rittenhouse square by me, 2. Diesel Denim store on Weblicist, 3. Cass Bird, 4. Fleur Wood, 5. collage by Faryal Maroof on Oak, 6. the kitty by me)

hide your love

one of my favourite Beatles songs

taken from Help!, their film

Saturday, March 7, 2009

jb's bar


spring fever

first of the year

i has it

Friday, March 6, 2009

Works on Paper

Sam Messenger. Nothing short of perfect