Saturday, February 27, 2010

smash it up

Charlie Westerbery for Spray Magazine

Friday, February 26, 2010

Bowerbirds - Northern Lights

Bowerbirds "Northern Lights" from matt amato on Vimeo.

Efterklang - 4AD sessions

As previously mentioned, I have a big soft spot for Efterklang.

this next session from 4AD is perfect snow day listening - dreamy and soothing and potentially spirit lifting regardless of the foulness outside.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

dog days

Florence And The Machine by Ben Rayner from Ben Rayner on Vimeo.

Florence is like a mythical creature...

the sweetness

Assembly Fall '08 catalog.

amazingly still looks fresh today

pretty pretty pretty girl

you can't tell me Mick isn't amazing

it's also the song that whenever my older sister catches Beast of Burden on the radio she calls me to tell me tales of when I was a baby and she would sing this to me

not your traditional lullaby but then I'm told I was taught to shimmy before walking so clearly they had rock and roll plans for me

stretch that skull-cover and smile

had Elizabeth Weinberg's winter mixtape on repeat

check it

good time girl

Kirsten Dunst by John Whitledge of Trovata

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

snow's coming back...

time to go into full hibernation

via fuckyeahlovelyrooms

Bake Sale

slow dance

Sarah sent me this band, Bake Sale, yesterday their little ditty Prom Song is the soundtrack to this picture.

if one picture can have that...

close to home

this bookcase arrangement is pretty darn similar to what I have going on at home

except it's edited down and far better looking

I smell a weekend project....

image via ill seen ill said

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

trouble books

these dreamy songs by Trouble Books are lush and wistful

The Guardian says - to put it another way: imagine a Daniel Johnston equally obsessed with the BBC Radiophonic Workshop and Burt Bacharach.

available from Bark and Hiss


not sitting here on a rainy day, off on an adventure. a balloon-centric adventure

images from the Iroquois lookbook


customising some cargos this weekend. that's it.

image from the sartorialist

Frightened Rabbit - Nothing Like You

I saw an alternate video for this song yesterday and it broke my heart with it's mediocrity.

Actually, it isn't mediocre, it's just crap.

But having seen this one, I'm presuming the other is just the "radio friendly" version, whatever the equivalent is for your eyes.

New MTV friendly. Or something.

So please don't go find that one because it's going to make the song seem rubbish and it's not a bad song and they're an amazing band.

and and and and and

Monday, February 22, 2010

forgot your toothbrush?

how fortunate

from the new Opening Ceremony location at the Ace Hotel New York

via their blog

Strange Boys - Be Brave

stream they're album released today:

The Black Belles - What Can I Do?

Hello Monday, you evil mistress. I'm looking you square in the eye today.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

similar but different


hounds meeting in snowy rittenhouse

Saturday, February 20, 2010

this is the man

It's been a long time since I've paid attention to French Connection, but this new campaign by Fallon London has truly re-branded this label.

thank FCUK

layers on layers

by Jean Baptiste Modino

Friday, February 19, 2010

Human Chain

not that Weiden & Kennedy know how to make something bad but this is particularly good

perhaps because it uses one of my favourite songs, Ali in the Jungle by The Hours. That video is worth another watch too...

Plan B - She Said

this just saved my day

Alessi Brothers - Seabird


see the collection here

Thursday, February 18, 2010


my my this is very good

by William Hoffman

but there's one moment missing from his original in the youtube version, so I recommend watching it in full here

what are thumbs good for anyway?

i did myself in

when I recently took off the bandage from my run in with a papercutter I found... well, most of my thumb.

partial thumb

at least white sheets make everything less painful looking...

avid follower of fashion

from Opening Ceremony's New News:

Who: Arrow Schwartzman
What: Shopping for new fashion week outfits with dad, Jason
Where: Opening Ceremony New York

everyone likes to look pretty

Harris Savides for Built By Wendy

Built by Wendy presents: HARRIS SAVIDES from Kahlil Joseph on Vimeo.


Devendra can do what he pleases as far as I'm concerned.

including noodling around an Oasis cover



new years had the 700 Club doing their own ball dropping

and own potential house burning down fire hazzard

luckily all it induced was a total giggle fest

she likes it

Wait & See

Bobby forwarded me the video below yesterday saying only "weird but I kind of like it"

it's the accompanying video to Diamond Ring's newest release, Wait & See, on German label Tomlab.

weird and fresh and I love it and it can be bought here

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

jackson, johnston & roe

the whole collection, in face all the collection (bottom two rows are sprin 2009) is cotton candy.

art of the trench redefined

philip smiley does it his way

Crosby the Snowman

monumental in many ways

by the beautiful boys at Saturdays

sailor stripe

never gets old

want want want want

by Alexandra Cassaniti

it's her surfboard I really want but this seems more within my reach...

I mean, checkit:

Fanfarlo - Harold T. Wilkins

Jamie T - Emily's Heart

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

three amigos

I anticipate the Marlboro man making a pretty big comeback soon

image from Vogue Italia via fashion gone rogue

to soothe the soul

I came in today to find I'd been gifted one of the gorgeously packaged bars of chocolate from Mast Brothers Chocolate.

My friends are good friends indeed.

It's going to take a lot of effort to break into it... but then again, it is dark chocolate & fleur de sel so undoubtedly it's going to call to me like a siren.

image from The Selby




The LOVE Thing from LOVE on Vimeo.

um. nudie girls included. so....


image via jjjjound

Monday, February 15, 2010

before you know it

breakfast is her favourite

all the wonderful breakfasts and talk and time is gone...

it's le poo

finders keepers

she found ribbon

Thursday, February 11, 2010

happiness is

my mum always says "happiness is many things to many people"

truth be told, she doesn't say it, she sings it

and on gets tagged person specific verses

for instance - to a kiiiitttyyyyyy it's a that shooooeee laaace

and for a meerrriiideeee it's christiiiiiinaaaaaa on a plaaaane to philadelphiaaaaa

LHR London BA 69
British Airways 8:35 PM 8:05 PM ~ T-A Scheduled On-time

first night

so here we go again!

The Morning Benders

Yours Truly Presents: The Morning Benders "Excuses" from Yours Truly on Vimeo.

a gift can be the tiniest of things and sometimes the sum is more than the parts

I'm Here

This was in my inbox this morning - it's part of the promos for Spike Jonze's latest short film "I'm Here" that was recently screened at Sundance.

Upcoming screenings in London are currently available for sign up. I'd love to see it... I'd have definitely nabbed this poster off the streets if I was there.

Flower Pills

Coma Cinema - Flower Pills from Mat Cothran on Vimeo.

go download the compilation "Baby Prayers" at

if you're going to be snowed in and have time on your hands you should def be attempting to come up with something as good as this

dedicated to yoooouuuuu

Puma has created an nice little number so that when game day falls on Valentines day you have some ammunition to maybe have your cake and eat it too...

send the video with your dedication at puma hard chorus

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

hello pretty

How could someone possible choose from just one of these gems by Shabd Simon-Alexander?
